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As the UK’s leading speed dating company, Speed Dating offer singles a range of fantastic events across the UK. With over 15 years’ experience in running successful events, we offer more speed dating events than any other company in the UK and remain the most popular choice for singletons looking for love. Join our Speed Dating events in Los Angeles. It's a fun and easy way to meet dozens of single professionals in one night. We reserve the most popular venues in town for our Speed Dating events and provide a private setting. Speed Dating is a great alternative to the bar scene.

Mint Hill Residents,

The Town of Mint Hill is currently hiring! If you, or someone you know is looking for a job, the Town of Mint Hill has openings in the Police Department, the Fire Department, and the Public Works Department. All positions are full time with excellent benefits. For more information, visit our website. The Town of Mint Hill is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

CATS (Charlotte Area Transit System) is conducting a third round of public outreach for the LYNX Silver Line Project. CATS will host six live virtual public meetings to discuss preliminary staff recommendations for the refined Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA), including changes to the proposed light rail and station location and an explanation of the decision making factors and process that led to those refinements. Each live meeting will feature a presentation and a Q & A with project team for the designated focus area. To provide feedback visit the Online Open House to take the survey by March 11 or text ‘Silver Line’ to 704-461-4441.

Best Speed Dating In Mint Hill

As we approach the one year mark of this pandemic, I ask you to continue to remain vigilant about wearing your masks over your nose and mouth, practicing social distancing, and washing your hands. The Mecklenburg County Public Health Department is working hard to distribute the vaccine quickly and equitably as possible. If you wish to be placed on a waitlist to receive the COVID-19 vaccine when you are eligible, please complete the online form. The information will be used to contact you regarding available appointments based on vaccine supply and eligibility criteria. We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The quicker we all get vaccinated, the sooner we can get back to spending time in-person with our family and friends.

To learn more about the roll out plan for North Carolina, please visit NC Department of Health’s COVID-19 Vaccine Information.

For information about COVID-19 in Mecklenburg County, please visit Mecklenburg County COVID-19 Dashboard.

Stay well, shop local, get vaccinated!

Brad Simmons
Mint Hill Mayor


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HelloPartnering is the perfect match-making platform to arrange one-on-one meetings. The HelloPartnering system offers all the tools required to facilitate both digital meetings via video conferencing, and scheduled meetings at real-world locations and events, and can accommodate the needs of those who cannot attend these meetings in person.

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The pre-arranged meetings are listed in a schedule and sent to your calendar. All time data is adjusted to your time zone and a counter informs you when the next meeting starts. With just a single click you can start your video conference call, share your screen or start a chat.